Mrs S A Barter (Sue) (Vice Chairperson)
1 Staunton House, Staunton, Coleford GL16 8NX
T 01594 832078 / 07487 309883
Elected without contest 5/23
Staunton Coleford Parish Council
Serving the Local Community
1 Staunton House, Staunton, Coleford GL16 8NX
T 01594 832078 / 07487 309883
Elected without contest 5/23
11 Whippington’s Corner, Staunton, Coleford GL16 8NT
T: 07958 391427
E: paulmobbsmorgan@hotmail.com
Elected without Contest 5/23
Chairman Staunton Meend Management Working Group
Represent the Parish Council on:
Stowfield Quarry Liaison Group
Staunton Village Hall committee
2 Staunton House, Staunton GL16 8NX
T 01594 833568 / 07701 331004
Elected without contest 5/23
Buckstone Lodge, Staunton, Gloucester GL16 8PD
T: 01594 836344 / 07977 521448
E: akcontracting@btinternet.com
Elected without contest 5/23
Cllr Richards is the Parish Snow Warden with supplies of salt and grit
Represents the Parish Council on:
Stowfield Quarry Liaison Group.
Whitecliff House, Newland Street Coleford, GL16 8NB
T: 01594 834345
E: stauntoncolefordpc@gmail.com