The Parish Council regularly responds to consultations from a range of different organisations. Most of these consultations are to do with planning development but from time to time we also receive important consultations about other matters including public services.
Responses to these consultations are agreed at Parish Council meetings. You are welcome to attend these meetings and share your views about consultations that you have an interest in.
Planning application consultations
We are consulted on all planning applications within the Parish and regularly provide comments about these applications. However we do not determine these applications ourselves.
Forest of Dean District Council is the Local Planning Authority for our area and determines most planning development applications. You can find out more about local planning applications using its website:
You can also see the comments we’ve made using this website and make your own comments if you would like.
Waste, minerals and transport
Gloucestershire County Council is responsible for planning matters relating to waste, minerals and transport. You can find out more about waste, mineral and transport planning applications using its website:
You can also see the comments we’ve made using this website and make your own comments if you would like.